April 1, 2023, Updated Required Reservation Donation Rate and Building/Grounds Rules and Regulations


From time to time with the rising costs of goods, services, & utilities, and the updates that our members have made we like to sit down and reevaluate our required reservation donation rates. Please understand that it took us months to do research and to come to an agreement that made all of us feel comfortable voting on. None of us take matters at the Community Center lightly and we all strive to do what is in the best interest of the Community Center and the community members. Over the past few years, we have felt the pain from the rising costs, had the kindness of the Community Center taken advantage of by a very small amount of people, and built a new stage/pavilion. Due to those factors we all agreed that we needed to make a few changes. Please note that the rate changes do not affect anyone that already has their reservation in the books.  

Voted on during the March 27, 2023, meeting and


  • The rate for a daily reservation will be $150.00 plus a $50.00 deposit.
  • The rate for night before set-up and daily reservation will be $250.00 plus a $50.00 deposit.

Once you have made your reservation, we will mail the contract to you via USPS or email. You will need to fill out & sign the contract and send it back to us via USPS with your payment at least 2 weeks before your event. If sending a check, you will be responsible for sending one check for the reservation rate and one check for the deposit rate. You will also be responsible for sending a self-addressed and self-stamped envelope with your filled out/signed contract and payments. If you and your party leave the building, grounds, and all items on the property in the same or better condition than when you arrived, you will receive your deposit back in the self-addressed and self-stamped envelope that you provided. Make all checks payable to “Fertigs Community Center “.

**There will no longer be a separate rate for weddings/wedding receptions. There will also no longer be a separate rate for the pavilion. We do not offer lowered rates for a certain number of hours; this rate is for the day whether it is 1 hour or many hours. Your reservation guarantees you will have access to the building, grounds, and pavilion for your event.**

  • Ball Field – We do take such good care of our ball field and it is available for any group to use. The ball field is only available Mondays-Fridays. You will still need to call to make a reservation so that we do not end up with a double-booking situation. We are not asking a set rate for the ball field, simply a donation. We do ask that your group leaves the ball field in as good or better condition than when you arrived.
  • Churches that wish to hold fundraising events will receive a discounted rate of $75.00.
  • Funeral Dinners, Charitable Events, Girl and Boy Scout Groups will not incur any reservation rates, all we ask is that your group leaves the building, grounds, and all items on the property in the same or better condition than when you arrived.

**Churches, Funeral Dinners, Charitable Events, Girl and Boy Scout Groups, you will still need to fill out and sign the contract.**

During this time, we also like to discuss anything that needs changed when it comes to our building and grounds use rules and regulations:

  • No alcoholic beverages are permitted on the property.
  • No illegal substances are permitted on the property.
  • No smoking in the building.
  • No animals (dogs, cats, etc.) are permitted in the building or on the grounds.
  • No vehicles are permitted on the ball field or the path.
  • You must complete and sign the check list prior to leaving the grounds after your event.
  • Do not unplug the internet router or security cameras. (Yes, we have internet, but it is only available for Community Center use).
  • Do not use the stand-alone griddle in the big kitchen.
  • Do not touch the breaker box.
  • All events need to be completed, cleaned up, and all guests/hosts need to have left the Community Center grounds by no later than 10:00pm.

*We do have security cameras on the property and have for over a year. We do not watch your private events; footage does however stay stored for 30 days. We have not had to do this, but we have the ability to review the footage if the need arises.

*Failure to comply with any of these rules and regulations will automatically forfeit your deposit.

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